Match Your Content to the Day of the Week

If your content strategy is failing to generate traction, it could be because of your publishing schedule. Try pairing your content to the day of the week!

**8 Minute Read**

When your content marketing efforts fail to generate results, what do you do? You scour the content in search of errors or areas for improvement.

But have you ever considered that the fault may lie in your publishing and distribution strategy?

On top of deciding where to distribute content, marketers must also strategically select the right day to publish and share specific forms of content.

Certain types of content perform better on select days than others. And, if you’re sharing the wrong types of content on a wrong day, the results will make this quite clear.

However, before you tear apart each piece of content for edits, check that your strategy matches the right type of content to the day of the week.

Follow our guide to find out when each type of content performs best throughout the week.

Mondays: Share Snackable Content

It’s no secret that Mondays are a challenge.

As we begrudgingly stumble to our laptops to begin our workday, the last thing we want to do is read through a large article or watch a 20-minute video.

Instead, Mondays are perfect for consuming bite-sized, snackable bits of content. We’re too busy and perhaps groggy to thoroughly comprehend larger, long-form content types and prefer to consume a quick snapshot of content — likely over our first cup of coffee.

Popular forms of snackable content include:

  • Short videos
  • Images and infographics
  • Instagram stories
  • Social media posts
  • Twitter threads
  • Content teasers

Ultimately, the best types of quick content are those that can be easily retweeted or shared.

Tuesdays: PR and Podcasts

Do you have company news to share? Are you working on a press release for an upcoming event or initiative? Plan to publish and distribute this content on a Tuesday. Be sure to use every distribution channel at your disposal to get your news out!

But what if you don’t have anything newsworthy to post? Posting newsworthy news content about your industry is a proven method to enhance brand authority. Your content doesn’t always have to be about “you.”

Rely on a content curation engine such as Vestorly to identify and curate prime industry news to share instead. Their tools offer a wealth of content categories such as Trending News and industry-specific categories chock full of interesting content your brand can easily share.

Additionally, Tuesdays (along with Thursdays) are good days to publish new podcast episodes!

Wednesdays: Downloadable Content and Follow-Ups

By the middle of the week (aka Hump Day!), we’ve grown accustomed to the routines of the workweek and are ready to consume larger amounts of content throughout the day. That’s why Wednesdays are the perfect day to publish follow-up content that builds on the snackable content shared earlier in the week.

For example, post a short 30-second video on Monday teasing an upcoming report, PDF, or SlideShare for followers to download. Then, on Wednesday, release that downloadable content to the world.

Remind followers about the newly published content via social media and an email marketing campaign on Wednesday for the greatest traction.

Thursdays: Long-Form Content

Instead of overwhelming followers with larger content pieces at the beginning of the week, reserve these topics for Thursdays.

On Thursday, consumers are looking for in-depth articles, videos, and media that they can take the time to digest. By gathering this information on a Thursday, they’ll have time to read and consume the content throughout the weekend.

Consider sharing any of the following long-form content pieces on a Thursday:

  • Evergreen content
  • Company-sponsored research
  • Explainer videos
  • Thought-provoking or opinion pieces
  • Podcasts that summarize newsworthy events from last week

These forms of content should be engaging and designed to keep the user captivated and informed from start to finish.

You can also post bite-sized teasers for these pieces on Monday.

Fridays: B2C and Retail Prime Time

On Fridays, the last thing we want to do is read long, thought-provoking stories. Instead, we’re looking again for quick content that we can easily consume.

Reserve Fridays for content that reinforces ideas shared earlier in the week. For example, consider sharing smaller articles or social media posts related to the topics discussed in the downloadable and long-form content from Wednesday and Thursday.

However, for B2C companies, Fridays are better for sharing content related to retail products. As the workday winds down, we start thinking about our weekend plans around late afternoon, which can lead to various online retail purchases.

With this in mind, structure your content calendar to share shoppable social media posts, retail-focused blog posts, and product review video content on Fridays.

Weekends: Sneak Peeks and More B2C Content

Those involved in producing B2B content should note that the weekends are a terrible time to publish and share content. Your clients and potential leads are not thinking about work, their productivity, or other topics related to their job.

Instead, B2B companies can look to Sunday night to generate content traction. Once Sunday night rolls around, we begin to prepare for the week ahead. Use this opportunity to share “sneak peek” content for B2B articles, videos, podcasts, and more.

Share a little snippet of the content to be published later in the week to get folks thinking about what’s to come.

Additionally, Sunday evenings are ideal for promoting B2C content about services that can only be accessed during the workweek, such as customer service representatives or educational opportunities.

Start Structuring Your Content Calendar by the Day of the Week

Instead of haphazardly sharing content with no strategy in place, structure your content calendar around the day of the week.

Here are some key takeaways you’ve now learned:

  • The beginning of the week is ideal for shorter, quicker content.
  • Reserve longer, in-depth content types for Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • B2B content does not thrive on the weekend.
  • Content discovery and curation engine tools like Vestorly can help marketers uncover, filter, and even personalize content to create an inventory bucket for each day of the week.

Match your content to the day of the week and watch your content marketing results improve day by day.

Need help defining or organizing your content strategy? Let’s see how Joel Goobich can help you by chatting with us over a cup of coffee!

[Reprinted by permission from Content Insights Blog by Vestorly]